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Batteries with Cables

Batteries with Cables
ItemPart No.Part NameQtySerial No.
01309 691 40Battery 12 V 200 Ah
02358 265 40Battery switch
03307 729 99Screw
04346 499 99Lock washer
05332 110 99Nut
06471 672 99Battery cable ca. 300 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
07471 672 99Battery cable ca. 700 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
08471 672 99Battery cable ca. 1000 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
09420 246 99Pole, plus
10420 247 99Pole, minus
11145 737 40Cable shoe
12006 304 98Pipe clamp, rubber armed
13333 132 99Nut
14346 500 99Lock washer
15694 667Key
16694 668Protection cap
17471 672 99Battery cable ca. 7000 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
18471 667 99Battery cable ca. 1500 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
19471 672 99Battery cable ca. 150 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
20356 241 40Conduit ca. 1500 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
21356 245 40Conduit ca. 7000 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
22358 274 40Series terminal
23358 273 40Series terminal
24358 287 40Auxiliary resistor
25396 171 40Battery cover
26082 273 40Rubber plate 20x430x490
27551 809 40Rail bracket
28471 861 99Cable Bulk ware, state length required
29502 609 98Cable Bulk ware, state length required
30500 103 98Cable Bulk ware, state length required
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