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Driver's Cab

ItemPart No.Part NameQtySerial No.
01390 582 40Driver's cab assy.
02Covering see page machine record
03Glazing w/o trap shield with compound glass see page machine record
03Glazing w/o trap shield with safety glass see page machine record
04Trap window assy. with compound glass see page machine record
04Trap window assy. with safety glass see page machine record
05Wipe and wash equipment see page machine record
06Door fixing device see page machine record
06Door fixing device state protection roof see page machine record
07Lighting equipment see page machine record
08694 376Cab door assy.
09081 238 40Lock assy.
10348 604 40Door handle assy.
11691 017Inner handle
12081 435 40Handle shell
13318 577 99Screw
14114 794 40Locking key
15269 203 40Ashtray
16318 373 99Screw
17081 334 40Dressing hook
18089 160 40Sun visor
19318 375 99Screw
20167 694 40Profile 4000 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
21166 575 40Profiled joint 1000 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
22323 514 40Edge protection 1000 lg. Bulk ware, state length required
25180 514 40Mirror
30159 992 40Tape roller
35187 855 40Stay bar for mirror assy.
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