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Operator's Cab w/o Glazing

ItemPart No.Part NameQtySerial No.
593 040 40Operator's cab with compound glazing
761 958 73Operator's cab with safety glazing
761 957 73Operator's cab with plastic shim
761 956 73Operator's cab with bullet proof glass
01593 041 40Operator's cab
02593 024 40Door
06457 807 40Retainer for sun visor
07457 808 40Threaded rod
08461 568 40Rod for mirror, bent
10269 203 40Ash tray
11461 210 40Sun visor
12081 334 40Coat hook
13167 694 40Profiled joint Bulk ware, state length required
14166 575 40Profiled joint Bulk ware, state length required
15170 495 40Cable sleeve
16056 057 40Cable sleeve
17057 295 40Socket
18058 380 40Dome light
19058 208 40Bulb
20461 209 40Silent bloc
21461 213 40Lock
22461 214 40Lock pin
23461 215 40Plate
24461 216 40Washer
25461 217 40Handle
26461 218 40Base
27461 219 40Base
28461 576 40Door catch
29494 712 40Plate, door catch
33350 748 99Fork end
34002 823 98Clip
35461 573 40Mirror head
36461 574 40Mounting, rod for mirror
37461 575 40Handle
38461 579 40Plug
39308 575 99Bolt
41500 299 98Screw
42318 579 99Screw
43318 383 99Bolt
44307 280 99Bolt
45504 010 98Bolt
46320 976 99Screw
47318 373 99Bolt
48334 678 99Nut
49365 770 40Nut
50507 025 98Nut
51343 610 99Washer
52340 465 99Washer
54346 499 99Lock washer
55346 509 99Lock washer
56340 463 99Washer
57461 211 40Safety cap
59461 212 40Safety cap
60471 861 99Cable Bulk ware, state length required
61515 194 40Cable Bulk ware, state length required
62471 684 99Cable Bulk ware, state length required
64307 646 99Bolt
65490 406 40Protection cap
66461 674 40Inner handle
67501 872 98Bolt
68494 736 40Door lock
055 114 40Tongue terminal
055 130 40Tab
455 762 99Hose 650 mm lg.
69576 892 40Shelve
106457 809 40Plastic sheating, white
107457 810 40Foam insulating boarding
108457 811 40Foam insulating boarding
109457 812 40Plastic sheating, white
110438 043 40Plastic sheating, white
111445 881 40Plastic sheating, white
112494 714 40Plastic sheating, white
113494 716 40Plastic sheating, white
114494 717 40Plastic sheating, white
125410 209 40Cover for wiper motor
127323 042 40Guide arm
128551 807 40Wiper equipment
129323 041 40Wiper arm 540 mm
130414 897 40Wiper blade 600 mm
131270 343 40Adapter
132323 968 40Lock nut
133226 972 40Single nozzle
134196 488 40Hose Ø 6 4,0m (3,5m+0,5m lang) Bulk ware, state length required
135056 074 40Cable sleeve
137196 484 40Plastic box
138196 482 40Diaphragm pump
139269 530 40Cable sleeve
140318 380 99Bolt
141320 976 99Screw
142332 442 99Nut
143269 427 40Cam
144318 288 99Bolt
145332 441 99Nut
Optional equipment
150344 774 40Wiper motor (120°)
151414 475 40Wiper arm
152269 615 40Wiper blade
153323 609 40Plastic washer
154323 610 40Plastic washer
160461 560 40Radio
161461 561 40Antenna with cable
162461 562 40Extension cable
163324 718 40Potential divider
164461 563 40Speaker
165461 564 40Holding device
166270 788 40Cable Bulk ware, state length required
167440 151 99Tongue terminal
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